Products » Test Equipment » Dry Film Thickness Gauges » Electronic
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Ready to measure - no adjustment required to measure most coatings
Menu-driven user interface
One-Handed menu navigation
Bi-color indicator light - ideal in a noisy environment
RESET feature instantly restores factory settings
Solvent, ...
Rugged, fully electronic coating thickness gauges use magnetic and eddy current principles to measure coating thickness on both ferrous and non-ferrous metals, accurately and quickly.
The PosiTest DFT Coating Thickness Gage measures coatings on ALL metals. It is the economical choice that retains the uncompromising quality of DeFelsko coating thickness and inspection instruments.
Two Models
PosiTest DFT Ferrous: measures non-magnetic coatings on steel.
The new Elcometer 456 Coating Thickness Gauge sets new standards making measuring dry film thickness faster, reliable and accurate; helping you to become more efficient.
The Elcometer 456 is available in four different models: E, B, S and T. Each gauge provides the user with increasing functi...
PosiTector 200

PosiTector 6000

PosiTector SmartLink

PosiTest DFT

Elcometer 456